
Sunday, November 10, 2013


Here's a bit of what we've been up to over the past few months:

1.) London, started dance class in September.  It's a ballet/ tap combo. She loves dressing up, going to class and twirling in front of the mirror.  However, she does not love listening or following directions, or waiting her turn.  Needless to say, it's usually a gong show, but she's always entertaining to watch.

2.) This little guy is growing up way to fast.  He's starting to act like less of a baby and more of a little boy, which is bittersweet.  He loves cars, trains, animal sounds, books, hide-and-go-seek, food and Katy Perry's song Roar. We love his goofy personality.

3.) It's getting colder outside, which means we have been spending more time indoors....boo for winter.....

4.) London  has out grown naps.  Her favorite time of the day is when Mason naps and she gets to stay up and play with me. Sometimes when he wakes up from his nap she will say, " put Mason back back to bed!" She loves giving me make-overs, or "playing match maker" as she calls it (from Mulan).  Here is the after pic....what do you think??

4.) We went to a Detroit Piston's game this month.  It was great!  Mason, wasn't loving it at first, especially when they turned the lights off to announce the starting line up, but he warmed up quickly.  The cotton candy might have had something to do with it.  London, loved the craziness and loudness and cotton candy too!  We had awesome seats, London and I had our 5 seconds of fame on the big screen, and Darcy even managed to catch a ball and a T-shirt thrown into the crowd.

Thursday, November 7, 2013


We had such a fun Halloween week.  It started with a Party at the YMCA, where the kids enjoyed treats, games and a bouncy house.  On the 30th we had a playgroup party at the church with our friends, with more treats, crafts and games.  On the 31st it was my turn to host Joy School, so obviously we had another Halloween party!  The kids made play-dough  spiders, decorated ghost cookies, read spooky stories, and played games.  Then of course, we went trick or treating that night.  It was raining that night so the kids lasted less than 20 minutes (which was fine by me).
It was a busy and sugar filled week but the kids loved it!  Oh, and do you think I took any pictures? Nope! I am the worst!!! Darcy, was able to take a video of London at the YMCA party, and I got a couple after trick or treating.

Mason as a Dinosaur

He loves candy!

London as Princess/ Unicorn.  She had a hard time deciding on a costume, so a different princess dress was worn each time.

side view.  I have to say the unicorn was adorable!

post trick or treating

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

London Says

Don't let this sweet face fool you.....this little girl is full of sass!! Mostly we laugh, but sometimes we just shake our heads.  Oh Londy Lou, it's a good thing we adore you!

(Trying to get after London)
Me: London, you need to listen!
London: No, you need to control your temper!

London: Daddy, how is your pie?
Darcy: My pie is delicious! How is your pie?
London: My pie is disgusting!

(At the park. London is chatting away to another parent there)
Me: London, why don’t you play on the slide with Mason? (Trying to get her to leave the other mom alone)
London:  Mom! I’m trying to talk! 

Darcy: How was nursery today?
London: Not good. Not good at all.

(Our conversation before Joy School)
Me: London, you need to be good and listen to your teacher.
London: Why?
Me: Because she will teach you things.
London: She will teach me? NO, I will teach myself.

(I had just found the necklace we were going to send to London’s Grandma for her birthday, and it was broken)
Me: London, did you do this?
London: Calm down, Mommy. My grandma is very sweet, she will not mind.

(shopping at the Dollar Store with London, one of the employees chatted with London, gave her some bubble wrap to play, then walked away)
London yells to her, “Little Lady, come back. You forgot to take the sticker off!”

Me: London, are you going to take a nap today?

(London wanted my help picking a show on Netflix)
Me: How about this one, it has a puppy in it…
London: Mommy, that’s the worst one you could ever pick! 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Summer in Michigan

August, was a busy month and flew by.  Darcy, finished his exams in mid August and was able to have a few weeks off school, which is always great.  His parents and brother, Levi came out to visit at the end of the month.  We had fun shopping, eating, going to the beach, a Tigers game and the Detroit Zoo.  It was great to see them and they were such good sports about squishing into our tiny apartment for the week.  I actually took a ton of pictures, so here you go:

Fun at the splash park in Lake St. Claire

Lake St. Claire beach
The kids loved playing in the sand

We met up with Sue's brother, Steve from Ohio. It was our first time meeting him.

mini golf

At the Detroit Zoo. The kids (and adults) loved it!

Londy, the snake charmer
The kids loved spending time with their grandparents

The tiger  is always one of our favorites

Family picture (the best we could do...)

London, loving her new tiger toy"Simba" from Grandma Sue

The peacocks on the zoo grounds would come quite close up to people, naturally London tried scare it away with her tiger

The polar bear was awesome.  He swam right by us!
I think this is supposed to the vet or something
Londy, crashed as soon as we left the zoo gates.  Such a fun day!